pearls of prose

- You get a girl to laugh you can get her to do anything.
- What do I do to get a woman?
- You get them to laugh too, but there's no getting a woman. They have to get themselves. That's what makes them a woman.

lead with curiosity, not condemnation. with courage, not cowardice.

Rules are suggestions. The world never ended because someone broke or bent a rule.

be your biggest critic, be your greatest champion.

Just cause your stubbornness has gotten you this far doesn't mean it'll get you to forever.

compassion and common sense will take you far.

seek out destinations. embrace the adventure. enjoy the journey.

you’re either good to people, or you’re nothing.

sometimes it’s best to do it before talking about it.

Survive, live, thrive.

How soon everyone seems to forget that we were all once children.

be an ALLY, not an aggressor.

Play. Every Day.

the best teachers ask as many questions as they give answers.

Don't put all your eggs in one basket that wasn't woven for you.

laughter is the breath of the soul.

kindness, it’s good to find no matter when are where you are.

life’s too short to have regrets instead of lessons.

We're all going to the same place. Don't be in such a rush in getting there.

walk the talk or walk the talk back.

twice a day doesn’t amount to much when a broken clock is infinitely wrong.

fight forward.

acknowledge the positive.

you are what you keep.

You live, you learn, you laugh, and if you're lucky you live some more

Everything is a work in progress. The moment you think you're complete you're finished.

we’re here. we’re now. we’re alive.

Surround yourself with people who believe in your dreams and encourage you to make them come true

take care of yourself. take care of those who take care of you. and if you’re able take care of thoes who need help taking care of themselves.

Why would anyone want to grow up? Where's the fun in that?

we all carry the same weight differently. we’re all stronger than we know.

Just because someone doesn't understand your language doesn't mean your words aren't worth speaking.

there is strength in slumber.

grow OUT, not up.

be the best thing that ever happened to yourself.

When you find fire you don't smother and extinguish it. You fan and feed the flames so it's light and warmth can spread.

the purpose of life is to create art, not capitalize on consumption.

We’re already living knowing that we’re going to die, so why not try something different and live like we’ll be here forever and right now matters as much as always.

we’re all stardust. we’re all eternal.

hate takes energy and time. both of which are finite. so don’t waste it on something that’s never enough.

promises are lines fed to children to set their hearts to rest and no child’s heart should be treated as such.

don’t let life get in the way of living.

Don't let a fools courage cover up for their cowardice.

make most of the moments you’re given. plans lost are an opportunity to see what you can find.

scare yourself grow yourself.

live endlessly.

You need money to survive. You don't need it to live.

how vivrant life is when we let all the light under the sun shine.

A rich soul is always worth more.

- What's the difference between boys and men?
- The cost of their toys. And men will look you in the eye when they give you an apology. As they've recognized the need for making one.
- What of men who never apologize?
- They only exist to themselves, and therefore are only imaginmants of men.

music is life.

forever is a construct of time. always is infinite.

there’s a fine line between failure and moving forward.