the problems of polity
2024 Election’s Eve
Dear America,
16 years ago we made history electing our first minority president, who clearly was capable of doing the job.
8 years ago we decided to thwart progress and although we popularly chose to have our first female, and quite frankly one of the most qualified people ever, president, our antiquated electoral college, for the second time in 16 years decided differently and we made history by electing our first openly facist president. if you didn't see it then you're blind.
luckily and not so luckily that dumpster fire of personal delusions of grandeur and egos freud would have wet dreams for the ages over imploded enough for us to some semblance of normalcy by electing another white man president.
I'm tired of normalcy, and I think most of us are. but if in that tiredness we continue to let our most basic emotion of fear continue to sow divisiveness and triumph over hope and unity regardless of tomorrow's outcome we'll go into the future losers.
while there is one outcome I very much so want over another, I wholeheartedly believe that we all are capable of finding ways forward and together, no matter the result.
there is much work to be done on the end of the spectrum I believe in. but it is at least an end of the spectrum that also believes in me. It believes in hope, and justice, and equality, and progress, and inclusivity, and science, and facts, and perpetuation of our system of government and constitution and the institutions therein to improve upon itself to find a more perfect Union.
at the other end of the spectrum there is just darkness and fear. hell. the spectrum is just a spec in the distance where the other end is at this point.
with that said we had 4 years and 1 term already of one of these candidates. and while we're still here, we look very different, and if we continue to go back in that direction we may not even be recognizable 4 years from now.
the past is gone, and so I hope we leave the other end there as well. a lesson forever learned and never forgotten.
I choose to be present and choose for the future. of not one but all. United.
I go into tomorrow cautiously optimistic. I hope you choose to go with me.
Good Night and Good Luck.
Holy Sand - April 14th, 2003
instead of oil being our number one commodity in the region, we start importing massive quantities of middle eastern sand. as global climate change continues and temperature rises through the years as we keep burning oil and coal as we do now water levels will continue to rise. in our efforts to thwart the flooding of certain coastal areas vital to our geography/economy/culture we start bagging the sand. the bagged sand will then be used in small dam structures to stem the flow of the rising water. the middle east, having exported all their sand, will then cease to have any conflict in their own region based on the fact that they no longer have any "holy land."
October 28th, 2024
if you saw that rally for what it is you're probably a well adjusted, "normal," and decent human being.
if you found that rally humorous, truthful, worthy of being given a platform, let alone one of the largest platforms on earth, or anything positive you really need to take some time and heal yourself. really.
I started these posts a few days ago and I really don't know how anyone stays so tuned in on either side because it's so mind numbing and infuriating on both sides and there's a part of me that hates that I'm failing so hard to find the empathy and compassion and love concurs hate and all that but my goodness how can you say these two parties is really the lesser of two evils? it's nowhere close and if you really struggle to see that, you either are so wrapped up in not giving a shit because of the tax implications and it wouldn't affect you either way to be honest or you're just so damaged and scared and detached from reality and that's it's gone from living, to survival, to rabid thoughtlessness...
October 25, 2024
believe in common sense gun laws while also understanding the necessity of the second amendment or actually own guns?
you probably know who you should be voting for for president and vice president.
or do you support a candidate that needs muscles, weapons, eagles and flags airbrushed into commemorative plates for 4 easy payments of $19.95 and wouldn't know a firearm if slippery dick chaney shot him in the face with one?
If so, get over yourself.
vote blue or stay home.
2016 Election’s Dawn
I’m not sure exactly how to start with this. I didn’t think that we’d reach this point so soon. I understand we all come from various backgrounds and experiences and we all have our own motivations and aspirations. And I realize that everything that makes us who we are as individuals collectively makes us stronger as a people. But as I find myself alone in my thoughts from time to time in these past few weeks I’ve felt a growing sense of urgency to relate a thing or two to you all. It’s not so much a result of fears or anxieties, but more so of what I’ve learned in the few years of life I’ve been given so far.
Most of you who know me personally know I’d consider myself a student of history, government, politics and administration. And while I wouldn’t call myself a complete expert on any of those subjects there usually isn’t a moment where I can hesitate to offer my opinion, or seek that out in someone I’d consider educated, thoughtful, and most importantly someone with a different perspective than myself.
What I have to say isn’t just a tell, but it’s also an ask. And it’s probably the greatest ask I’ve ever had of anyone. Our personal convictions are simply just that: personal. And wavering from them is something, as stubborn as I am, is very difficult to do. Just as I’m sure it is for anyone else. While I may not be able to sway a single person to change their minds or actions, I hope to at least gain some consideration.As I look up from where I sit in this beautiful house with this beautiful family, that I’ve been given, and that I’ve earned, my mind turns to my father and mother, who were at the age where I am now in life and I’m reminded of all that they did for themselves and their children to get us to where we are today. I don’t need to delve into details, but it’s your standard American Dream story. Actually, that’s a misnomer. There is no such thing as a “standard” American Dream, and so there’s no standard story line to follow. And that’s where my ask comes in.
While I won’t go so far as to ask you to cast your vote for someone, I will go so far (and trust me, while I may be the heart on my sleeve type, I very firmly believe we have a right and respect to keeping our voting actions and political affiliations as private as we want) to ask that you please not support the Republican nomination for President.
I understand that this is a difficult thing for a lot of people to do. I understand that lot of people on both sides of the political spectrum typically don’t stray from their party affiliations, no matter who the candidate may be. I guess I’m trying to reach out to those who are at least willing to consider an alternative. I understand that both parties have left a lot of Americans behind. I understand that achieving whatever version of the American dream you have in mind for yourself isn’t really attainable by any means that seems tangible. I understand the vast amount of debt we’ve buried ourselves under. But with all of that said, I cannot completely understand why supporting this “outsider” feels like the right thing to do.
The nominee the Republicans have chosen to back in this election isn’t a Republican. He’s a rabid wolf wrapped in borrowed elephant skin so he can get into the ring. Just reflect for a moment on a few of the platforms and threats he rallies around:
-Limiting the access of the press to those that he sees fit enough to cover him. The pen is mightier than the sword, and there’s a reason the first amendment comes before the second. A free press is at the foundation of a healthy liberal democracy (notice the lower case D, and liberal doesn’t mean leftist, it’s how a democracy that’s structured the way ours is with a written constitution that ensures the rights of individuals and separate branches of government with checks and balances, among other things, is referred to)
-National Stop & Frisk. Racial profiling is a slippery slope. People don’t like it when others bring up the various genocides that have occurred in the very recent past of human history, but while it may start as targeting young Black and Hispanic men be assured that it won’t stop there. Community policing starts with trust, not with bias.
-The Republican candidate for President may not consider himself a racist or a bigot, but then why does he not refuse the endorsements of racist organizations, and why does he not refuse the support and rallying cries of racists? Why does he continue to use derogatory language directed towards women and various minority groups? When speaking one’s mind there is a difference between being politically incorrect and being blatantly offensive.
I know this country is predominantly white. But that’s changing quickly. When our founding fathers refused to deal with the issue of slavery they shirked their duties off to future generations and we’re still paying for it today. When segments of our current white generations believe the only way they will realize their American dreams, or their children will be free and in pursuit of their own, is to deny the dreams of those different from themselves, they are shirking their duty in the same way the founding fathers did. They’re not solving any problems, they’re putting them off. They are also hijacking the ideals from so many white people who believe that a multi-cultural society can be successful. Ask yourself, do you know anyone who falls into any of these categories: non-white, non-Christian, female, gay, transgender? Do you know anyone who cares for anyone who falls into those categories? The world, and America itself, is a wonderfully colorful place, why let this candidate deny you of it? Why let him deny others from it. Is it worth supporting a candidate who feels the only people who can truly seek out the American Dream fall within such a limited spectrum? Is it worth creating a country where I’ll be targeted because of my brown skin? Is it worth creating a country where my girlfriend will be targeted because she’s with someone that has a different skin color than her own?
I hope that you were able to at least read what I wrote. And I hope that if you made it this far you will take this into consideration. And remember, I’m not asking anyone to be with her. I’m asking for you not to be with him.
October 27, 2024
if you realize law an order is code for illegally detaining minorities (and a great long running series on nbc),
you also realize dual climate control only exists in vehicles,
and that the cowboys were never really america's team,
you probably know who you're voting for president.
if you think "law and order" keeps us safe,
or that Democrats control hurricanes,
and you're a dallas fan but have never set foot in texas (or you have but have no understanding why it's full of brown people),
please get educated or stay home november 5th.
vote blue (but not cowboys blue) or stay home.
October 24, 2024
do you believe in the first amendment?
or separation of church and state?
if you answered yes, you probably know who you should be voting for president.
do you believe in "silencing" your opposition?
do you believe in forced religion?
do you believe those who have a little blue check mark next to their name gives them credibility they definitely "earned" for free?
if you answered yes to any and probably all of these questions, you're an idiot, and I'm tired of taking the high road with you. and stop calling yourself an "American." you have a right to, and I won't ever argue against that, but you don't grasp the most fundamental concept of what it means to be one.
vote blue or stay home.
October 26, 2024
realize that late stage capitalism sucks?
believe in the power and necessity of labor unions?
know that if and what did ever/does make america great was because the rich used to pay their fair share in taxes?
you probably know who you should be voting for.
support unfettered corporate welfare and kleptocracy?
love not getting paid for overtime, holidays, sick, maternal and all other types of leave cause it doesn't exist?
have your head so far up reagan's ass you don't realize trump is just the result of him in a shittier ventriloquist costume?
you probably have no idea what you're actually voting for.
vote blue or stay home.
October 23, 2024
do you have a vagina?
do you enjoy the company of vagina(s)?
did you happen to come from a vagina?*
if you answered yes to any of these questions you probably know who you should be voting for president.
does the use of the word vagina make you uncomfortable?
do you think you should be able to control vagina(s) other than your own?
are you ok voting for someone who's violated multiple, never brought joy to and had to pay for the company of vagina(s) illegally?
if you answered yes to any of these questions go fuck yourself.
I'm done playing. you either believe in democracy and freedom. you had four years to see what would happen. and if you didn't, you're willfully ignorant, which is an oxymoron, so you're just stupid. I don't have any more patience for it and you're hatred.
quit leading with your fear, cowardice, hatred and living in a past that never really existed. all it's going to do is lead to your own downfall. if that's how you choose to act then own the fear and just stay home nov. 5th altogether.
you're either part of the solution or you're the problem and I'm tired of fighting back and choosing to fight forward.
feel free to unfollow cause there's gonna be more of this coming the next 13 days.
*this post was not meant to discriminate against anyone who was born a cesarian section.