my green heart is a series of lyrical poetry written a lifetime ago
I could die a thousand deaths and not forget your face
And I die each time I have to look away
So how many times does this make?
How closer am I to tempting fate?
I wasn’t lying when I said I’d never leave
Take advantage of me
You’ve got to live to die chasing dreams
The sincerest of apologies
Run away inside your head
Get lost in your consciousness
Fighting the words you told me
Not taking heed in your warnings
It’s quite alright
I feel fine
Just not the same with slowly passing time
You’ve got to live to die chasing dreams
The sincerest of apologies
For tangling you up in me
I don’t know what I want wont you help me make up my mind
To stay here, go someplace else and leave it behind would all be fine so long as you come along and hold on tight and don’t let go cause if I drive too fast you might get thrown with the top down low and wind in your eyes you wont blink twice as we drive down the interstate through the night we’ll remain awake and as all the exits pass we wont know which to take so long as our spirits last and so long as this journey does endure our souls are oblivious as we venture farther faster from just what we’ve known before
Stopping only to fill up on gas cause energy remains on full our memory of the past fades to black like the sun drops back making way for the stars and moon we’re the only ones on this road we’ll assume so long as you say let’s leave this place instead of a degree it’s our dreams we’ll chase forgetting what we’ve known before putting aside feelings of guilt and remorse for once we’ll be free and in pursuit of that thing they call happiness but it wont happen until you tell me you’re in too
through the air and far away
you’ve gone along and start to fade
you wont come back stop to stray
so go ahead leave anyway
you’re far too much for me to take
or hold too close, my frailty too easy to break
so breathe the air into my lungs
this static charge, not for all, or just anyone
lyrics pierce your ears like needles shaped
but when am I in place
to be the one to write words that penetrate
So you don’t remember that unusually warm turning, cold December day. The snow that fell turned to rain. And it fell like tears from you face. You never looked back like smoke rising from ash. I’m sorry but I don’t know what I did. But I’m still asking for you to forgive. The lines were the promises fed to a child. I could see them break in your eyes. Was it simply a lack of trust? No faith restored, not a feeling deep in your gut. You can’t place blame from the past upon something new. There was no wrong done yet, none by me to you.
I’ll write the words
You can lay there and pretend not to know them all along
But they come easy
And you’ll trace them on your own lips
You don’t have to believe, but you know there’s truth to it
I wish I could write like those guys in all the songs you listen to cause all the words they wrote make you choke and your heart stutters and your lips flutter making it seem they’re more deep than you and I would ever be but pretend is something I hate to play cause what goes on between us I’d rather not imagine but experience first hand sentiments exchanged rather than the blame that’s more to my taste more so than games
I wish I could live up to all the expectations you have or even to those you’ve grown accustomed but then again if that were the case why did you leave those men and come after this one I am not sure what it is you see or believe me to be whether or not I’ll live up to your dreams and make what’s in your mind reality I just wish I could be all that I can that I am and more if that’s what you need
Standing underneath your umbrella From the rain you’re taking shelter But your feet are getting wet The water’s rising cant you see now Until it starts receding You’re gonna have trouble breathing And there’s no use now fighting The floodwaters are confiding They’ll wash away your dreams From this place you’re taken from me Don’t wait for something better Might as well now just settle For a way out of here The road is there and the path is clear Just take a dive it’s not too late To sail away in the waves Forget your past, your life, your means Sail away in the waves Taken to a better place
looking into your glossed over eyes taking me back to the place in time when I was yours and you were mine or was that just in my dreams because the best part was that it seemed to be the truth reality but all I’m holding onto is maybe and various degrees of sincerity all those words with strings attached late night conversations that we had in thoughts of you my mind is wrapped the web of strings leads to you inside them I’m tangled and confused is it asking much for you to choose I might not seem one to say there’s more to life than being safe but right now it’s you I chase so that’s why tonight I lay in bed close my eyes with tomorrows sun comes some life
is it fact or fiction
or another one of your contradicting lies
it wouldn’t be the first time
just the latest thing in your mind
and it feels a lasting cry
on my way down
to be lost trust must first be found
my favorite fault
is giving up on something that isn’t there at all
is giving in
to fiction
one thing we never had in common was each other
you’re not fool enough to fall was just another
but you knew what you were doing all along
I wont question your motives or consumption of alcohol
and not just cause you told me to
only because I know you wanted to
yeah the moments passed for you
for me it’s just starting to
a glitch on the radar screen
still some kind of light at least
just find your course find your way
from me, whatever it takes
when my head hits the pillow I can feel my heart beating in my chest one day it will break through ribs and leave me there for dead sometimes I feel like my stomach is turning inside out I always notice this when you're around I wonder what it takes to end my anxious ways to keep my head from spinning and my vision straight I need something that will soothe my nerves something that will let me talk when it's my turn
there’s no compromise when I’m leaving all my things behind and the only progress made is in your name clean out your ears and open up your eyes you give none and take all that’s mine there’s two of us here but you leave me feeling solitarily confined your eyes are shallow as are the words you speak I look for more but always left incomplete
these are the games we play and there’s lines we’ll use it’s the same as being lonely but single I wont choose
companionship someone to call your own that works for you and I get someone to bone but what’s wrong with that is I want more but for now I’ll settle for what I can score now that I’ve known the taste of your lips if all falls through there’s not much left to miss so can we call this reality bittersweet or is it simply tasteless settlement therapy
come sit down on my window sill I got some things to say some time to kill it seems that most of the time it’s me you’re ignoring or is it that crescent moon out tonight that’s tinted orange that kind of scenery can be a bit distracting when the words I say bend like plastic they’re short incomplete who’s to say what they mean when the stars in your eyes are glistening and you find yourself lost like the time we drove that rural route but this time it’s metaphorically speaking
is it too late to say goodnight
right now I’m feeling tired
it’s too late to save our lives
together: we never tried
I’m torn between two
But I’m not in the right to choose
And I don’t know which I should pursue
Would both lead to more or am I to be doomed?
Why can’t my mind be made up by you?
Cause right now I don’t know what I want
And I don’t know what’s at stake
No matter what I don’t choose, I’m willing to take
Look into my hand
Grab hold of my eyes
I’ll never question what’s pushing your mind
Just give me a reason
To want something more
An honest opinion, is my time worth yours?
Leave it in the open
Make the first move
From there we’ll act out, then we’ll choose
To make some progress
Give me a sign
I’ll never question what’s pushing your mind