the return of vintage gaurav

Arches - mar eleventh ‘25

I told you where to go
You took all the turns
And made your way home

The traffic
The lights
They'd all be defied

The warmth
The kind
Would be returned

Bridges held up
Cross continental connections
Firm foundations in fertile straights
Arches wrapped

You told me how to turn
And I took you through
Arches make bridges
They make smiles true

We took together
I found home soon
Arches traced the sun
Arches traced the moon
Arches between
My turn in to you
Arches between
You turn in to truth
Arches equations
We're full proofs

Don't stop here
Let's make more bridges
More arches
To cross time
To move space
Wrapped tethered

Illusionists - mar sixth ‘25

I thought I had known magic
It took time to see the tricks
So I took some turns of my own
An axel spinning guns and roses

There's no slightness
To your delicate hands
Slender fingers leading my eyes
To wherever whenever they can

I've been cut in half
I've been pulled apart
But when they cast the lights
I'm full I'm hole in your spark

They tried to drown me
In cages made of glass
But I learned
When they called me Harry
I could break out of straight jackets

They tried to drown me
In cages made of glass
But I learned
When they called me Hairy
I could breathe fire back

The only thing
Made to disappear
Was themselves
True masters of the dark arts
While I was still standing
I never needed to return
I'd always been here

I did know magic
I've been casting spells for years
But I almost went the way
Of a deafening silence
Now I'll use my own illusions
And bound in multiple volumes
My magic's the truth

Tigress - mar fourth ‘25

i was born with stripes of mother's scars
you earlier from a land with flag stars
both wild and free

i came across continents
and you never learned to swim
but let's take this dive
from the jungle and the plains
a luscious combination
fruitful vegetation gained

we'll do more than watch the weather change
we'll make it rain
cause with me
i bring
the monsoon
and with you
you are
the heat
the calm
before all we'll storm
we'll claw and scratch and bite
we'll hail from the sky

we'll move horizons
we'll prowl in the night
after everyone else has fallen
we'll feel each other rise

we'll hunt
when we gather together
we'll tear flesh
blood sweat tear drenched
from the jungle from the plains
stripes all the same

before all we'll storm
we'll claw and scratch and bite
we'll hail from the sky

we'll move horizons
we'll prowl in the night
after everyone else has fallen
we'll feel each other rise

we'll hunt
when we gather together
we'll tear flesh
blood sweat tear drenched
from the jungle from the plains
stripes all the same

Firsts - feb twenty-eighth ‘25

The elves made something sweet
Treats we shared apart
Kick-started conversations
Next to conveyor belts

The rainbow unicorn held things up
Buckled back a falling man
Who was keen to rise again

You're a Phoenix
Seeking out peaks
Two tall trees
With a waterfall between
Drenching refreshing
Succulent and sweet

A taste to be given
That time had softened
Hardness lost to be found again
In return tendered a kindness
And hope for future
Cookies white lined
With toasted light chocolate
Shared to be the first time
But not the last
Flavor to be familiar
Heats rediscovery
Shared to be the first time
But not the last
Flavor to be familiar
Beats recovery
Shared to be the first time
But not the last
Flavor to be familiar
We share together
Keeping elves unicorns the Phoenix busy

Cleaner - feb twenty-third ‘25

you have to save yourself
before the world gets done
you're the biggest miss
reds aren't you the lonely ones

a decades time gone
it's not lost if truths revealed
but the pace I have no buds
left to taste
or wounds to lick of yours
I'm tired but healed
from lies fed to a child
your delusions concrete seal

you've built walls
houses homed the many
left one habitat
you'd think plenty empty

but no it's crisp
it's bliss
it's weight lifted
lessons imprinted
strength reclaimed
truth ordained
memories branded
words understanded
it's toned it's lean
all's left clean

you have to save yourself
before the world gets done
I'm the biggest hit
brown sugar
with the sweetest tongue

you have to save yourself
before the world gets done
I'm the biggest hit
a self savior
devour the down
looking up

you have to save yourself
before the world gets done
I'm the biggest hit
I am the every one

you have to save you
before the world is gone
be the best thing that ever happened
to yourself before everyone

be the cleaner inside yourself
and the world will have its followers
you can be the lead
getting the world clean

you have to save you
to yourself before everyone

Sweettooth - feb twenty-one ‘25

We could all use some sweetness
To savor a flavor
Give our mouths something to cherish

First it came from cane
In the indies of the west
We traded in triangles
For barrels of rum
And Enslaved breathes

Then we extracted it from trees
Taping trunks
Maple birch sometimes beech
Humans being syrup suckers
We're all human leeches

Now we've come to corn
Modified molecules
It's all natural
A surplus of gasoline to burn
And our waistlines
Continue to surge

That was about my time
A tiger making things great
Spoonfuls of white crystals
On frosted flakes
And endless bottles
Cans cabinets and basement
Filled with the carbonated Classic
But it came with a hand
A quick back swing
From frustration
Leaving an iron liquid
In the back of my throat
Or nose dripping

We've all needed it
To crave a flavor
To cover intoxication
To justify bondage
To magnify
And enlargen

We could all use some sweetness
To savor a flavor
Or cover up the sanguine

Wildfire - feb thirteenth ‘25

It takes more than rain
To put out a wildfire
Like a suspended thought
In a state of denial

Arm in arm
And around the waist
Wrapping the wide world
In a matter of space

Caught in a corner
All taut with flavor
Sharing true words
And learning their nature

A tall walk toward
Inside heat seated
A spark and a smile
What a fiery greeting

To know our truths
Words needn't be loud
There's meaning in stares
I have no doubt

It can start in kind
And continue with numbers
Nearly get lost in a lot
There's irony in wonder

It takes more than rain
To put out a wildfire
I'd rather fan the flames
And feed shared desires

Fate - feb tenth ‘25

you can run any which way
but you'll still find destiny
why battle with
a predetermined enemy
it's a compass needle
spinning in true ordinations
three-hundred sixty degrees
with no separation
you can question you can doubt
but the silent realizations loud
bend the metal break the glass
magnetic strength opposites attract
not written in tablets of stone
but the definitions
soon to be known
forward progress a reflection
experiences past
too weak to break a mold that's cast
yes maybe no
you cede control
it's freedom paralysis
but who determines it
not a creator almighty
or a design of intelligence
willful ignorance bliss it isn't
but a burden carried
through to the end

Leadfoot - feb eighth ‘25

Wherever it was I was going I was well on my way
Then you came along and you made it accelerate
I was completely whole on my own
And all my friends said take it slow

I had all the feelings
I had all the thoughts
But giving them a voice
I could not

What's love
If fear of a friend lost
What's truth
If its reality's cost

I may have mentioned the attraction
That a few months was like a life known
You nodded your head in agreement
I took it farther you felt like home

I had all the feelings as a lump sum
I had all the thoughts as a trauma dump
I was burning gas moving fast
Couldn't find the brakes to pump

Your bright eyes
Your smile wide
We spoke of birds pollinators and the trees
Season shaped stars now whose the tease

What's love
If its an empty space
What's truth
If its what you create

I'm still moving forward
Some day you may join in
I'm not moving too fast
You can't see the whole thing

Uniform - feb fifth ‘25

I'd **** you
Make love to you
Everything in between to you

I'd give and you'd take

Two bodies become one
And it's nothing to do with
Unless you'd want it
Again and again
But it's new
Each and everytime
Cause matters of the flesh
And of the breathe
May have repetition
And rhythm
But no synchronization
With a past no we'd refesh

Do to me what you please
Show no mercy
There's nothing to do with grace
With no space between
Time would tick and clocks turn
But frozen heat bodies burning

I'd take and you'd give

You'd **** me
Make love to me
And everything in between to me

Staring here and ending there
Orchestration everywhere
You're fit to pick
And me to pull
Sounds of softness hardens
Belief we'll be able

We'd ****
Make love
And nothing in
And everything

Luna - feb third ‘25

if you looked up at the moon
would you see me shining down on
you are too high but you cast lights
on my dark side only astronauts have flown
by at speeds surpassing sound but less than
what a vacuum could hold

i'm a mirror to your light
i'm the cause of the tides
i'm slowly drifting farther from home
but closer to your glow

giants of red after the main
supernovas before black darkness remains
white and black dwarfs of final states
you're all the colors in the matter of space

phases change after big bangs
i'm a rock caught up in your illuminate
stages of a continuum
paused on a horizon
an event of cataclysm

a moon caught to revolve not
for a green brown blue dot
but the light of the shining stars

i'm a mirror to your light
i'm the cause of the tides
i'm slowly drifting farther from home
but closer to your glow
i'm a telescope that shines your light

Fang - feb ninth ‘25

we climbed a mountain
crawled in a cave
retraced the steps
of a goddess
demon devouring
leaving paw prints

I remembered the day
you spoke of stretch marks
and bellyaches
how I was the cause
for nine months
but the scars remained
pale orange and sky brown stains

you nursed and nurtured
after I emerged from the dark
encouraged and smothered
building up and pushing away
the baby teeth fell
I grew more with fangs

in time
I earned my own stripes
every scar tells a story
every word a finite line
there are moments where I roar
and others my silent stare bites

I prowl concrete jungles
woods deserts streams I tame
I ride dirt roads
blaze backwoods trails
the fearful symmetry framed

when I get long in the tooth
I'll come for you

Jupiter Moons - jan fifteenth ‘25

Out beyond the night sky
Where Jupiter and her moons collide
Darkness fills a void
Left by the dying of light

Layers of glass fail in focus to see
The distant faintness of gossamer rings
And blurry distant dots
I, a Beauty, Wide Faced, & Ganymede

A painted red centuries storm
Signs of lifeless energy burn
An atmosphere of thunder
For law and order torrents turn

Standing, shivering and hopefilled in the cold
Moments captured but unable to behold
Crashing waves beneath gazes above
A universal calling to light pretold

Out beyond the night sky
Where Jupiter and her moons collide
Go experience with open eyes
The brilliance in the darkness

Lighting - feb eighteenth ‘25

she's a lighting strike from above
if you bottle it handle with care
cause when it's opened
you're gonna get yourself burned

she'll leave the earth scorched
and at first glance you think it's bare
but in time the fertile soil breeds life
and the wolves'll return

lighting is the gift of life
a pulse of fire
a breathe of the wild
most men can't harness
can't always care for
but i'm not most and i'm full of care
no control or containment
those aren't the sentiments
of understanding
no i won't cover lighting
or drown out it's brightness
i'll fan and feed its light and heat

i'll crawl from the dark
i'll walk those lands
i'll dance from branches
i'll fly up to clouds
i'll fall back down
i'll be the sound
of thunder
a bottle breaking
shattering containment
the atmosphere the earth
is our safe haven
howls heard across the universe

Worth It - jan fifteeth ‘25

I will drown you in deafness with the depth of my voice. You’ll be left blacker than my eyes at the back of your hands. I will be your reckoning and I will make it worth your while.