our hearts poured on

There was no lightning or thunder but the rain was cold and constant.  I had been drinking since night fell with the moon over the incoming clouds.  The dark came like a glove fitting over the world before me.


She had dark hair that glistened from the fallen rain but it was her eyes that drew my attention.  Unlike the set sun, here now, giving me light.  They were green and telling me to come forward.


I’m Sol.  A walking contradiction for I had none.  Crossing her arms she turned.  Away.  I walked on.  Inside those decadent walls there was more light to be found.  And so the search continued.

With hair so straight hanging over lifeless eyes that seemed to hurt from the moment they knew they weren’t blind I saw her.  Standing on the third story balcony through the screen door I saw her.  Catching drops of rain on her pale blue shirt turning into the color of sky on a day not like today I saw her.


I’m Sol.  She fell into me.  I knew not her name but was leaning her taste.  We had been drinking the same thing.  But this flavor was new.  Better.  Wetter.


My fingers pushed the hair from her eyes and strained the water out from it.  Then found their way to her hips.  I lifted her, setting her upon the railing.  Her hands made their way under and up my shirt.  Her nails clawing into my back.  Our chests met as I clung to her saving her from falling back.  The rain had stopped.  Our hearts poured on.