(a work in the field of progress)

mission statement

They say language is the greatest thing that separates us from other species.  Now, although we cannot hide from the fact that there are several other species with language as a form of communication, when it comes to us humans it must be our ability to use it that has gotten us to where we are.  Some might say it is a necessity to communicate.  But I believe all that is necessary to survive is to breathe, to eat, to drink.  That is all.  As humans however there must be more to it than mere survival.  Why have we been given this great gift if all we’re to do with it is simply survive?  To survive is not to live, and I’d much rather live.  To live is to truly experience life.  But how is this done through written language?

The roots of language might not have one common origin, but it must be limited to a few origins.  Therefore every language, every word, spoken or written, must be related to another word.  A new word is always based on an interpretation, or taken from one that already exists.  So, everything that is said, it’s based on something that already is.  It’s all been done before.  And that is the struggle as a writer: to make something new.  To take words and make them your own, that would be genius.  Eliciting emotion, through the use of words brings life to them.  That is my goal.

jan twentyseven ‘04